About Personalised 'Heat' Magazines for Hen Parties
How much notice do you need to do a 'Heat' Magazine for a Hen Party?
Ideally atleast 1 week (preferrably 2 weeks) prior to the date of the event in which to receive the relevant pictures and stories to allow to send through a complete draft by email & suffient time to post the magazine out
What do you need in order to complete it?
Depending on whether you require an 8 or 12 page version of the magazine
follow the rough guide by clicking here for 8 page or clicking here for 12 page
I live outside dublin, do you deliver if so how much does it cost?
We've delivered magazines all over the country and only charge the basic P&P
of 2euro (may be a slight extra charge for large quantities)
How do I arrange payment?
If you can send out a cheque/cash/postal draft once you have seen a complete draft of the magazine and are entirely happy to proceed with it. (details of where to send the payment
will be arranged prior to that)
I have alot of photos that i would like included in the magazine that i don't have
on a digital camera, is it ok to post them out to you?
While we have accepted hard copies of photos sent in the past we would prefer
to accept them only if you cannot get any access to a scanner as we cannot be
held responsible for any items that are lost in the post, especially photos that
cannot be replaced!
Alot of the photos i want to use are on Facebook, will they be ok?
Ideally if you could send photos direct from a digital camera saying that facebook photos are generally ok to
I don't have any childhood photos of the hen, can i put other photos in there instead?
Yeah, thats no problem, given the lenght of time it takes to complete each magazine
we aim to stick as closely to the template as possible however in circumstances
whereby you cannot fufill certain pages we can place other ones in there in order
to do so
I don't really know what to put in for the 'article' on pages 4/5, do you have samples?
If you are stuck on what to write, send us a mail and we'll send you on a sample
version of what has been written there before
If you have any further queries please contact Tom at: